This picture surfaced on the internet, and even though Saint's Row 3 has not been announced it looks plausible?
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Definitely a possibility, however this picture could have been easily created with Photoshop. These types of images always surface with highly anticipated games such as Diablo 3. Keep up the good work SVR. -Roy Bahat (IGN)
Yeah, this is true. I've seen many a photoshop make ups. But I suppose only time will tell. I would love to see another Saints Row title added to the sandbox mix. -Dominic
Definitely a possibility, however this picture could have been easily created with Photoshop. These types of images always surface with highly anticipated games such as Diablo 3. Keep up the good work SVR.
-Roy Bahat (IGN)
Yeah, this is true. I've seen many a photoshop make ups. But I suppose only time will tell. I would love to see another Saints Row title added to the sandbox mix.
Let me leave the topic on this note. There is plenty of talk around IGN about SR3, and it has more or less already been announced.
-Roy Bahat (IGN)
Dude, thats amazing news!
Perhaps it will be an E3 reveal? It would be good timing for it. The second one was great, so I'm sure it will be well received.
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