Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dust 514 at a glance.

Ok so you have tried the demo of Eve Online, maybe some of you even have a subscription. That game is extremely large and CCP are making improvements everyday. Currently around 300,000 players, its no WOW but it has found a niche and that niche is growing

So your probably wondering what exactly 514 is. Well, in a nutshell, Dust 514 is an FPS MMO that impacts Eve Online directly. and vice versa. CCP intends on a complete assimilation of both games into one as 514 grows and plans on truly make the EVE universe an ever expanding place for all types of gamers to enjoy.

Recently a new trailer was posted to youtube for the game and there is also cam footage of the game. You can check all that out down below.

But so far the game is looking to be a gorgeous IP. With the rumored Unreal Engine 3 powering it (not confirmed at this time) its going to not only be a very fun game, but look beautiful at the same time.

As far as gameplay goes, you can see that they already have an alpha build if not beta that looks polished and plays well for its current position in development. In the cam videos they talk about having a quick play feature and show the gorgeous and very detailed lobby.

Instead of a lobby with players listed and boring menus to look at, you actually are stationed on your corp's war barge and can walk around looking at the the current area of operations, and who is on each team. All this data and more are displayed on holo screens and behind that is a gorgeous view of the current planet your about to invade. Taking a walk down a hall you can then see the staging area for all vehicles that will be used for the invasion. You can also walk into your own trophy room which connects directly to unlocking things and leveling up

There will not techincally by levels like in EVE but you will be able to unlock more weapons and gear by attaining trophies and helping your corp take planets.

Each race that is in EVE Online will also be featured in Dust 514. There will also be race specific with both the weaknesses and strengths that are with each class.

This game is looking to be an amazing FPS MMO that is going to grace both PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles. With a starting player cap of 64 in each match and a command structure that caters to even RTS players(When you are acting field commander) be sure to add this to your list of must buys. Though its not slated for a solid release date, look for it in the very near future.

New Trailer

Gameplay Video 1

Gameplay Video 2

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